- (keitai-l) (keitai-l)Conversion of wap to imode
- (keitai-l) (keitai-l)How to send sms messages
- (keitai-l) (keitai-l)How to send sms messages from imode phone
- (keitai-l) 3G diff summary
- (keitai-l) 5th International User Interface Design for Mobile Handsets
- (keitai-l) [ ANNOUNCE ] new j2me repository - midlet.org
- (keitai-l) Administrivia: We're back
- (keitai-l) agog
- (keitai-l) alignment
- (keitai-l) are you a FOMA videophone user ?
- (keitai-l) barcode
- (keitai-l) Blip, blip, zap! 3G in Europe
- (keitai-l) call for numbers
- (keitai-l) Consulting
- (keitai-l) daily video strip
- (keitai-l) Display Color - was Nokia 5510
- (keitai-l) Docomo AA1
- (keitai-l) Docomo portal
- (keitai-l) does visual messaging applications have a chance
- (keitai-l) emojinumber
- (keitai-l) English i-mode JavaDocs?
- (keitai-l) Ericsson T68 and Trium Eclipse
- (keitai-l) Fees to become an official i-mode site ?
- (keitai-l) FOMA iApplis
- (keitai-l) FOMA phone prices
- (keitai-l) FOMA phone screen size in pixels
- (keitai-l) Fun with Base64 Decoding
- (keitai-l) Fwd: JPNET ==> ICA Oct 24 Round Table - Future of Mobile Data Communication
- (keitai-l) HandSpring announces Treo
- (keitai-l) Has Sony "persuaded" Ericsson to drop Microsoft?
- (keitai-l) How many IAppli are available right now?
- (keitai-l) Http POST for I-mode Devices
- (keitai-l) I just saw the strangest TV ad
- (keitai-l) i-appli plans for FOMA and 504i series
- (keitai-l) i-motion outlined
- (keitai-l) iAppli
- (keitai-l) iAppli development
- (keitai-l) IAppli programming
- (keitai-l) iCoupons
- (keitai-l) Image downloading !
- (keitai-l) image processing
- (keitai-l) iMode on GIF
- (keitai-l) Is it possible to access EzWeb email over the Internet w/o the phone ?
- (keitai-l) JEvaHz updated
- (keitai-l) KDDI JAVA to support PhoneTo, URLTo, MailTo
- (keitai-l) Knock! Knock! P2101V users!
- (keitai-l) MML images
- (keitai-l) MML Sites
- (keitai-l) Mobile Media Japan User Survey -- link
- (keitai-l) Need a help
- (keitai-l) Nokia 5510
- (keitai-l) Onboard memory question
- (keitai-l) P2101
- (keitai-l) packet racquet
- (keitai-l) Packet size
- (keitai-l) Packet Video, Emblaze Wireless, and other Steaming companies
- (keitai-l) pot silliness
- (keitai-l) quasimode - almost i-mode in Ericsson T68 and Trium Eclipse
- (keitai-l) Re(2): emojinumber
- (keitai-l) Remote win-PC mgmt on keitai
- (keitai-l) RIchness and Reach when You Don't Have Bits to Blow
- (keitai-l) Roaming
- (keitai-l) Stats on Mobile Internet Usage by Age Group
- (keitai-l) sticker for keitai
- (keitai-l) Streaming Video to P2101V handsets
- (keitai-l) surrender control
- (keitai-l) terms and conditions to send an email to a J-Phone handset
- (keitai-l) Test GSM SMS game stuff in non-GSM network
- (keitai-l) The adventure of buying a FOMA phone
- (keitai-l) two books on the mobile phone/Internet
- (keitai-l) us embassy in tokyo i-mode website
- (keitai-l) What's docomo up to in Europe
- (keitai-l) What's DoCoMo up to in Europe?
- (keitai-l) wireless newsfactor
- (keitai-l) Work in Tokyo Job Fair, October 22, latest details
- (keitai-l)How to send sms messages
- (keitai-l)How to send sms messages from imode phone
- 5th International User Interface Design for Mobile Handsets
- barcode
- Blip, blip, zap! 3G in Europe
- Blip, blip, zap! 3G in Europe & roaming...
- emojinumber
- Ericsson T68 and Trium Eclipse
- Fees to become an official i-mode site ?
- FOMA (was: agog)
- FOMA iApplis
- FOMA phone prices
- FOMA phone screen size in pixels
- Fun with Base64 Decoding
- gif2nol software
- Has Sony "persuaded" Ericsson to drop Microsoft?
- How many IAppli are available right now?
- How to send sms messages from imode phone
- Http POST for I-mode Devices
- I just saw the strangest TV ad
- iAppli
- iAppli development
- IAppli programming
- iCoupons
- Image downloading !
- image processing
- iMode on GIF
- JPhone introduces Prepay
- JPhone introduces Prepay (extended to Wireless Forensics in general)
- keitai-l Digest V1 #81
- Knock! Knock! P2101V users!
- looking at Chinese SMS game in the US
- MML images
- MML Sites
- Nokia 5510
- Nokia 5510 GPRS ??
- Onboard memory question
- OT: Roaming and authentication
- OT: Think into the box for a change
- P2101
- packet racquet
- Packet size
- Packet Video, Emblaze Wireless, and other Stea ming companies
- Packet Video, Emblaze Wireless, and other Steaming companies
- Peter and Paul and Roaming
- pot silliness
- quasimode - almost i-mode in Ericsson T68 and Trium Eclipse
- Remote win-PC mgmt on keitai
- RIchness and Reach when You Don't Have Bits to Blow
- Roaming
- Roaming - COPS solves nothing
- Roaming and authentication
- Stats on Mobile Internet Usage by Age Group
- sticker for keitai
- Streaming Video to P2101V handsets
- surrender control
- terms and conditions to send an email to a J-Phone handset
- Test GSM SMS game stuff in non-GSM network
- us embassy in tokyo i-mode website
- What's DoCoMo up to in Europe?
- YadaYada
- YadaYada (now OT!)