(keitai-l) Re: sticker for keitai

From: Paul Lester <paul_lester_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 10/03/01
Message-ID: <3BBAEB2A.EA3155BD@lincmedia.co.jp>
    Smells like a scam to me also, but still I find often the authors
of articles make heinous mistakes when writing about physics,
in every single newspaper I have ever read (and every single
article as well).  So I can't say for sure the research is bogus....
(even though it sounds like it is).

    But even so, I want to have some fun flaming the
article anyway....

----Here is a flame....(of the article not a person).

    I wouldn't take that coherent thing as sensible either.  Lasers
are coherent and thus much more dangerous than regular
light which isn't.  You can go blind if a laser hits you in the eye.
The argument that lasers are harmless makes no sense.  I have no
RF experience to back it up though (in the case of RF stuff).

    Another flop is that they tested DNA.  But it may
affect other parts of cells to cause other types of problems.
(Like rupturing cell membranes, etc etc).  (That is if cellphones
are dangerous..... its still indeterminate).

Curt Sampson wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, Nick May wrote:
> > interesting story on the bbc about a sticker that is claimed (with some
> > evidence, it appears) to modify cellphone emmissions so that they do not
> > damage DNA....
> >
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/scotland/newsid_1574000/1574197.stm
> Boy, this really smells like a complete scam.

Paul Bryan Lester
Layer-8 Technologies Inc
LincMEDIA Group
QA ENGINEER/Programmer etc etc
EMAIL: paul.lester@L8tech.com

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personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu

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Received on Wed Oct 3 13:32:34 2001