(keitai-l) How many IAppli are available right now?

From: Buszko Dominik-ADB033 <Dominik.Buszko_at_motorola.com>
Date: 10/18/01
Message-ID: <3FD6CCFE6BF1D4118DC7001083FD88F4053089@plnt057.comm.mot.com>
Does anyone have any statistics regarding the current number of iAppli? (or can someone at least point me in the right direction).  I just would like to get a general idea of what kind of numbers are we talking.  Is it is 100's, 1000's, or more?  Also, what seem to be the most popular type of iappli?  Games, business apps, etc?  Are most of those application stand alone (meaning there is no server support), or do they require a server for maximum functionality.  Thanks for any info,


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Received on Thu Oct 18 22:15:15 2001