Last Monday I saw an advert for DoCoMo which took up the whole of page 5 of
the Financial Times.
It gave only the name of the company, a web address, and a date (which I
remember as being 1st November 2001, but I may be wrong).
I was also told about a full two page spread advert in a Spanish paper on
the same day, and there may be more.
Do you think that the media blitz suggests that DoCoMo are about to
introduce an i-mode service in Europe, or is this just to make sure we
Europeans don't forget they exist?
I know that DoCoMo's partner KNP ordered i-mode phones in August, but were
not willing to say who from or how many.
I've looked at DoCoMo's sites in Japan and France, but there's no sign of
any activity.
Dai Griffiths,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
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Received on Thu Oct 25 15:18:10 2001