(keitai-l) Re: (keitai-l)How to send sms messages from imode phone

From: Gustaf Rosell <gustaf_at_xpedio.com>
Date: 10/18/01
Message-Id: <>
At 09:01 2001-10-18, you wrote:
>If anybody is interested to join forces and explore this a bit further, 
>email me offlist. I was going to do this just for myself but maybe there 
>is an opportunity providing Keitai to SMS as a service, in which case 
>however it would have to be bi-directional which is a bit more effort.

We do this as email <-> sms and chtml -> sms internally and for customers, 
but we haven't found a viable business model for a service. Even an 
official service would be tricky, since the subscription model maps badly 
with the transactional model of SMS.


http://xped.io | gustaf_at_xpedio.ru | t +46 8 674 50 47 | m +46 70 916 4747

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Received on Thu Oct 18 11:15:58 2001