- (keitai-l) 505, 252, FOMA series specs (rumors?)
- (keitai-l) 6.5 million yen fine to imode spammer
- (keitai-l) Acceptable graphic sizes by phone
- (keitai-l) Advertisement on i-mode sties. Any cool examples?
- (keitai-l) any cool examples of mobile phone interfaces?
- (keitai-l) Backing up J-phone cellphone data
- (keitai-l) building J2ME apps
- (keitai-l) camera phone usage by kids
- (keitai-l) contacts
- (keitai-l) Content Partnerships for Nooper
- (keitai-l) cookies
- (keitai-l) DoCoMo Flat-Rate Internet for PHS
- (keitai-l) docomo gps
- (keitai-l) employment question
- (keitai-l) english jp news
- (keitai-l) Ezplus bug - icons in ChoiceGroup,List MIDP components
- (keitai-l) Ezweb English ezfactory?
- (keitai-l) EZWeb forced refresh?
- (keitai-l) How to get dialed phone number on J2ME ?
- (keitai-l) i-mode home pages
- (keitai-l) imode statistics ?
- (keitai-l) J-Phone HTTP Headers - Do they count these when billing?
- (keitai-l) Keitai Master 9
- (keitai-l) Learning Japanese
- (keitai-l) link: Film Festival for Keitai
- (keitai-l) Moblogging
- (keitai-l) moblogging ... girlswalker
- (keitai-l) nokia & siemens to support imode
- (keitai-l) nokia imode text
- (keitai-l) Nokia Pen
- (keitai-l) Nooper: Finally available for i-mode, J-Sky and EZweb!
- (keitai-l) off-line messages
- (keitai-l) Packet size
- (keitai-l) patently ridiculous
- (keitai-l) RE : nokia imode text
- (keitai-l) screen as speaker
- (keitai-l) Thai input method
- (keitai-l) translator/dictionary
- (keitai-l) wristomo
- 505, 252, FOMA series specs (rumors?)
- 6.5 million yen fine to imode spammer
- [interesting] camera phone usage by kids
- Acceptable graphic sizes by phone
- Advertisement on i-mode sties. Any cool examples?
- Backing up J-phone cellphone data
- camera phone usage by kids
- cookies
- DoCoMo Flat-Rate Internet for PHS
- employment question
- encoding
- english jp news
- Ezweb English ezfactory?
- EZWeb forced refresh?
- How to detect european i-mode UA's?
- J-Phone HTTP Headers - Do they count these when bi lling?
- J-Phone HTTP Headers - Do they count these when billing?
- keitai-l Digest V3 #44 - nokia imode support
- Learning Japanese
- link: Film Festival for Keitai
- Moblogging
- moblogging ... girlswalker
- Moderated?
- nokia & siemens to support imode
- nokia imode text
- Nokia Pen
- Nooper: Finally available for i-mode, J-Sky and EZweb!
- Packet size
- RE : nokia imode text
- translator/dictionary