(keitai-l) Re: english jp news

From: Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk_at_infeline.org>
Date: 03/13/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0303131120010.28385-100000@lexx.infeline.org>
yeah, i know. but my site is in norway and its not like im earning any 
money on it. i just wanted to read their news. and i am stamping their 
articles in the buttom (ive grabbed their news and others for ages on my 
web page so i wont have to go here and there, and ive never got any issues 
about it). of course; if my site was commercial i would never do it.

and yep, i'm tmkalland@ezweb.ne.jp ... hidden noopie? funky! :)


On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Juergen Specht wrote:
> But Tom, you know that there is something like copyright?
> Not sure how much Mainichi likes your page.
> Juergen
Received on Thu Mar 13 12:23:07 2003