- (keitai-l) A few questions on Docomo Videophone service
- (keitai-l) any RFID news?
- (keitai-l) AU / Sanyo C1001SA query.
- (keitai-l) AU A5506T
- (keitai-l) Blackberry & Nokia
- (keitai-l) Cable connectable handsets?
- (keitai-l) DoCoMo M-Stage platform
- (keitai-l) DoCoMo M-Stage V-Live service
- (keitai-l) Embedded Linux Vs Symbian Vs T-Engine
- (keitai-l) file:// and offline phone browsing
- (keitai-l) Getting BREW handsets into Test Mode
- (keitai-l) Invitation to 2 free Mobile Monday Events in Tokyo, 13.09.04 & 04.10.04
- (keitai-l) jp 3g 800mhz allocation
- (keitai-l) Mobile Government Conference
- (keitai-l) Mobile Phone makes pacemaker user felt sick
- (keitai-l) MobileMonday invite "3G Rocking Mobile Music and Video"
- (keitai-l) p2p client
- (keitai-l) Pocket Kingdoms
- (keitai-l) Polyphonic OTT in MIDP 1
- (keitai-l) Porting of C protocol stack on Symbian platform
- (keitai-l) Reminder: Join the free MobileMonday in 13.09.04, 19:00, Pink Cow, Shibuya
- (keitai-l) Ring Tones for Medical Purposes
- (keitai-l) shift-jis on i-mode
- (keitai-l) symbian support
- (keitai-l) Tokyo game show - photos
- (keitai-l) UMTS versus W-CDMA confusion
- (keitai-l) Welcome back Nokia
- A few questions on Docomo Videophone service
- any RFID news?
- Backing up VCard
- Cable connectable handsets?
- DoCoMo M-Stage platform
- DoCoMo M-Stage platform)
- DoCoMo M-Stage V-Live service
- Embedded Linux Vs Symbian Vs T-Engine
- file:// and offline phone browsing
- jp 3g 800mhz allocation
- kddi + opera
- p2p client
- Pocket Kingdoms
- Polyphonic OTT in MIDP 1
- Porting of C protocol stack on Symbian platform
- Ring Tones for Medical Purposes
- shift-jis on i-mode
- symbian support
- Tokyo game show - photos
- UMTS versus W-CDMA confusion
- w21sa questions
- Welcome back Nokia