(keitai-l) Re: Welcome back Nokia

From: Benedict Evans <ben_at_ben-evans.com>
Date: 09/22/04
Message-ID: <58448.>
It has a standard series 60 OS - so iSync should work just fine. I'm  not
aware of Vodafone getting Nokia to lock down any existing s60 handsets in
ny other markets - they have to wave a really big stick just to get them
to make red the default colour-scheme.

I'd have to disagree with the 'welcome back nokia' sentiment - nine 3G
handsets in Europe for Christmas, huge posters everywhere and only one of
them will be a Nokia? And a business-oriented one at that? And with Vod
(twice as many European subs as anyone else, remember) pushing the Sharp
and the other vod-interfaced handsets above the Nokia?


> Are these likely to use a "standard" data format for address books and
> the like?
> (I.e. will they be Mac friendly?)
> Nick
> On Sep 22, 2004, at 10:30 PM, Kyle Barrow wrote:
> Vodafone Japan is releasing seven 3G mobile in time for Santa:
Received on Wed Sep 22 17:26:57 2004