On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 02:32:46PM +0200, Mathieu Castelli wrote:
> > I have little knowlege of BREW but you mail started to worry me as
> > a small CP.
> Let's unite :)
> > Is Kddi's take higher with BREW, is that their motivation for not having a
> > jvm on top of brew?
> I can't say for sure, but it seems that the model won't follow the
> US one. For a starter, most probably no fee to receive the QUALCOMM
> stamp (the BREW app review by Q. people).
> And I have heard nothing of a different pricing from various meeting
> with KDDI people. So I'm not too worried about that. It's more the
> added dev cost !
I very much doubt that they will approve applications for free. BREW
applications contain native code and can do pretty much anything the
phone firmware can do. I doubt that all of those phones even have
memory protection. So network operators must test BREW apps pretty
comprehensively by the operator so that they can be reasonably
confident that they won't crash the phone or do something nasty.
As I understand it, BREW was really intended as a way for operators to
customise handsets (possibly with the aid of outside developers)
rather than as a platform for independent developers. Maybe Qualcomm
or KDDI are now going to misuse it as that now - in the same way that
Microsoft rebranded COM as ActiveX and enabled IE3 to download and
install COM components on demand (without even asking, if they were
signed) and thus created a whole new area for browser exploits.
Ben Hutchings | personal web site: http://womble.decadentplace.org.uk/
Tomorrow will be cancelled due to lack of interest.
Received on Sat Jul 5 04:05:17 2003