(keitai-l) Re: KDDI, BREW and CP

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 07/07/03
Message-Id: <200307070846.44640.mathieu@newtgames.com>
> Is this a terribly likely direction? Out of the seven 5000 series phones
> that KDDI has out right now, only two are BREW; the rest have Java. No
> other providers in Japan at all support BREW, to my knowledge.
Alas yes, very likely.
*	all the 1XXX series will be BREW from now on (as read in an interview on 
keitai-l ten days ago)
*	inside sources...

> BREW has its good points, in that you can make applications that are
> much faster, slicker, and use more of the phones capabilities than Java.
> But as technology marches forward, this advantage can only errode, not
> be maintained or increase. And BREW has its bad points, too, such as
> limited deployment and rather more expensive development.
The main point for KDDI seems to be the price of handset, and, I guess, QCOMM 
Java requires a second chip, whereas BREW enables the same quality of apps 
without need for one, which makes handsets 5k-10k Yen cheaper.

What I see as political and unecessary tough on CPs is the absence of JVM on 
top of BREW. That's where I would like CPs to steer KDDI a little bit...if 
it's possible. As I asked, did it ever happened ?

Received on Mon Jul 7 09:50:05 2003