(keitai-l) Re: KDDI, BREW and CP

From: Shawn <javajunkie_at_koyuru.com>
Date: 07/04/03
Message-ID: <oprrr3a8ey0fabl5@mail.rosenet.ne.jp>

I have little knowlege of BREW but you mail started to worry me as a small 

Is Kddi's take higher with BREW, is that their motivation for not having a 
jvm on top of brew?

http://www.advisor.com/doc/09915 mentions that for BREW:

Several pricing models are available to users, including demo, purchase, 
subscription, and upgrade. Companies/users can pay for the application 
based on the number of users, the expiration date of the application, a 
certain number of days, or elapsed time.

The developer negotiates a wholesale price with the carrier, and is paid 80 
percent of that price for each download. (The remaining 20 percent is split 
between the carrier and Qualcomm.) The carrier can then set its own resale 
price for users.

Seems like they can get more that way.

Any one use J2BRIDGE that lets Java developers run and test J2ME 
applications on BREW enabled platforms. It makes the generation of MOD and 
MIF files seamless to Java developers and allows them to use the BREW 
Emulator and AppLoader to run and download Java applications to BREW 



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Received on Fri Jul 4 12:05:06 2003