(keitai-l) KDDI, BREW and CP

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 07/04/03
Message-Id: <200307040803.08721.mathieu@newtgames.com>
Hello all,

I was wondering how much the more and more likely "BREW only" direction would 
affect CP.

For us, it's cleary a major pain. While our content clearly depends on 
QUALCOMM's influence to push GPS forward even though it might not be the 
expected success and a completely independent KDDI might have dropped it 
sometime ago, we start to feel the other end of the stick with the BREW push.

My guess is that it's only a problem for small CP... or am I wrong on this ?

Because if I was, then we could imagine a union of CPs pressuring KDDI to at 
least provide Java on top of BREW, which last week interview of the guy in 
charge at KDDI revealed as 'meaningless' to him even though many java app 
don't need so much speed (speed was his argument for saying it was 

Has such thing ever happened ? CPs uniting to bend the stategy of one of the 
three ? I understand many CPs are consulted beforehand regarding such 
matters, but maybe it's done separately, and at meetings with the operator, 
CP may think twice before talking too loud ?

I'm would happy to hear your opinions on this, and start a CP union right 
after ! :)


PS we provide http://mogimogi.com // internet number 53577 on AU - still in 
early life cycle stage, location based community game called "Mogi, item hunt
Received on Fri Jul 4 09:06:26 2003