> [Nik says:]
> I think that if you use the width attribute in the <img> tag, for example
> <img src="a.gif" width="33%"><img src="b.gif" width="33%"><img src="c.gif"
> width="33%">, you should see the result you want.
ok. The phone won't actually stretch them will it? I hear you on the
width attribute, I wonder if pixel declarations would work as well.
> One thing you might not like, though, is that if you were doing
> a game, and these images were links, which they can be used as,
> you would be limited to using the up and down keys,
> and having the down key take you from left to right rather than down,
> which would likely confuse a user.
That confusion will be there, yes. I hope to use keypad navigation
and command exclusively, aided by a few training pages.
> Why not try using Java? It is a lot more suitable for games.
so true. But not everybody has x503i's nee?
> Cheers,
> Nik Frengle
Thanks much,
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Received on Wed May 30 11:11:44 2001