> If youre talking about Altavista and Google youre talking about
> the conventional web. Conventional web and this so called "Mobile
> Internet" are, as I think we most agree, two very different
> things. There probably are things in common too, but to say
> that because something worked in conventional web it has to
> work in mobile too is IMO a bit misleading.
that's my point. Since portals work in the web, why it should
be the solution for the mobile web? ;)
> Think about it this way. If the web we use today was regulated
> by some megacorpse who decided what size, form and links the
> pages can have, would it be as rich as it is now? (Of course
> we could argue there was 99.99% less carbage in the web if it
> was regulated by a megacorpse ;)
Uh, it looks like that you just compare the conventional web to
the mobile web "...as I think we most agree, two very different things." :)
We can argue us to death, but we don't change anything in DoCoMo's
behaviour if we like it or not. At least not with arguing.
Juergen Specht [ Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc. ] http://nooper.com
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Received on Thu May 10 02:42:44 2001