(keitai-l) Re: difficulties of becoming an official i-mode si te

From: Jamie Finn <Jamie.Finn_at_helloNetwork.com>
Date: 05/09/01
Message-ID: <7DCF595E8668D411BB4C00B0D0201582E566AA@HNEMAIL2>
Not to jump into the middle of a fire here but i-mode was successful because
of its walled garden and the effective messaging to the consumer which sold
it as a services no the web. 

Docomo educated the population and gave them services not the whole
internet. The consumer was educated by this process and learned how to use
the services. 

Now that there is a more advanced consumer the walled garden should be
brokan down in order to let imode flourish into a full channel like what has
happened to the web.

Albeit i still think that new users to imode should live in a walled garden
in order to learn how to use the services.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mika Tuupola [mailto:tuupola@appelsiini.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 12:39 PM
To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
Subject: (keitai-l) Re: difficulties of becoming an official i-mode site

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Juergen Specht wrote:

> * The first WAP phones was not introduced in 2000, but in 1999.
>   Nokia started the sell the 7xxx at the end of October 1999
>   at least in Germany. It was buggy as hell, but it was.

	There were few phones availabale in late 1999 but you
	could say that the WAP phones were widely introduced
	in europe in early 2000. Nitpicking aside.

> * The paper is very much focused on portals as the way to go, but
>   check the reality...since the big searchengine A..com changed themself
>   to a portal, people started to dislike it. Another searchengine
>   G..com started with nothing than a search service and developes fairly
>   well because they are specialised.

	If youre talking about Altavista and Google youre talking about
	the conventional web. Conventional web and this so called "Mobile
	Internet" are, as I think we most agree, two very different
	things. There probably are things in common too, but to say
	that because something worked in conventional web it has to
	work in mobile too is IMO a bit misleading.

>>  its i-mode services, in the long run they will prevent richer contents
>> from emerging".

>  Also DoCoMo is the last who 'prevents richer contents from
>  emerging'. Go in a random DoCoMo shop and look at their totally

	Think about it this way. If the web we use today was regulated
	by some megacorpse who decided what size, form and links the
	pages can have, would it be as rich as it is now? (Of course
	we could argue there was 99.99% less carbage in the web if it
	was regulated by a megacorpse ;)

Mika Tuupola                      http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/

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Received on Wed May 9 23:46:35 2001