(keitai-l) Access Keys for iMode in cHTML

From: Tal Herman <TALH_at_BUG-LIFE.com>
Date: 11/14/00
Message-ID: <5345E99DE6DED311888A00508BA368610B5F99@BUGLIFESRV>
  I understand that Compact HTML is defined so that all the basic operations
can be done by a combination of four buttons; Cursor forward, Cursor
backward, Select, and Back/Stop(Return to the previous page). I also that
the "accesskey" enables to refer to the numeric keypad (0-9).

 I would appreciate help on the following questions:
1) does the select button only "mark" an item or does it "activate" the
option to (e.g. go to another URL or behave like Next)?
2) how does the Back/Stop key operate ? does it go always to the previous
page and restore it from the cache ? 
3) Can I refer to any of these keys in code with the "accesskey" ?


                    (o o)
Tal Herman
Tel: 	972-9-9511501 ext. 135
Fax:     972-9-951-1591
33 Ben-Gurion St. Herzlia 46785, Israel
Email: talh@bug-life.com

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Received on Tue Nov 14 17:01:51 2000