(keitai-l) Re: Click Through

From: Kyle Barrow <kyle_at_X-9.com>
Date: 11/14/00
Way back in 1995 I worked on the graphics for a system that did just this.
It was designed to work with DoCoMo phones and pitched for locating service
staff, your children (and pets too Juergen).

I imagine the legal/security issues involved are what kept it off the
streets - you could only use it to locate a phone that you had ownership of
but the hack potential was immense.

I wouldn't want people to be able to track my location but as a poor-man's
GPS I could see a lot of potential killer apps.


>If you are a Japanese teenager, I', sure that you would love to have a way
>of communicating to all your friends that you are at a specific place and
>want to be contacted by all your friends in the area, perhaps to go to the
>cinema or for a drink or whatever. I don't think it's an obverrated service
>and it does have the potential of actually becoming a killer app.

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue Nov 14 13:46:31 2000