(keitai-l) Embedding URLs In The Physical Environment

From: Douglass Turner <turner_at_landmat.com>
Date: 11/14/00
Message-Id: <53437C40125E1441930FF42AB42F387B043CC9@mailserver.landmat.is>
I am developing technology that will allow a physical object to behave as an
affordance for retrieval of Internet-based services related to that object
from an Internet aware mobile phone or PDA. Has anyone come across any folks
pursuing similar ideas in Japan?

My motivation is that as people are walking around with these mobile
devices, it seems obvious to me that it would be helpful to be able to
easily access information about objects and places around them that they
would otherwise have to scribble a note about, dial a person on a phone, or
run home and visit the website. More interestingly, my approach neatly
circumvents reliance on the mobile operator as the sole provider of URLs.
That is a task that users are most naturally equipped to handle.

Douglass Turner
email: turner@redballpro.com
mobile: + 354 895 5077

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Received on Tue Nov 14 13:35:12 2000