(keitai-l) Re: D2 communications

From: Jonathan W. Anderson <jon_anderson_at_bmcmedia.com>
Date: 11/14/00
Message-ID: <NEBBIKGJOLBEIPLGKONMKEJPCMAA.jon_anderson@bmcmedia.com>
Hello Jeffery,

Did links on ads placed on official sites come up at all
in your discussion with D2C?  When the first ads started
appearing on the official menu, some of them seemed to
be linking out of the official menu.  Now I'm not so sure.
Or that official sites like Asahi that sell their own ads are
doing it, and D2C isn't?

Also, since I can't check the source code of the sites,
something I am always curious is whose technology
they are using for their adserving.  I don't suppose they
mentioned this?


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue Nov 14 02:27:42 2000