(keitai-l) Re: regarding 816SH problem mobile market in japan..

From: Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net>
Date: 05/29/08
Message-ID: <20080529160314.GD13977@lucky.cynic.net>
On 2008-05-29 14:19 +0900 (Thu), Srinivas Patnaik wrote:

> Is that possible to convert full width katakana to half width Katakana
> programmatically at the server side.

Yes. Quite easy if you know what you're doing.

Basically, you have two choices:

    1. Pick up a copy of Ken Lunde's _CJKV Information Processing_ and
    learn something about I18N.


    2. Pay someone like me several thousand dollars to teach you this.

While there are a lot of things that make developing for keitai
difficult, from the cultural differences (how people use phones) to
the cultural-technical (no, we don't use SMS in Japan) to the purely
technical (it's darn hard to test on a Japanese phone when you're not in
the country!), this particular question falls in to the, "anywhere in
the world, you could have learned it if you'd wanted to" category.

This question isn't even really Japanese-related; you could hire a
developer who knew Unicode and had dealt with any two of: Western
European, Greek, Turkish, Cyrillic, Bengali, and innumerable other
alphabets; and he'd understand what to do.

Curt Sampson       <cjs@starling-software.com>        +81 90 7737 2974   
Mobile sites and software consulting: http://www.starling-software.com
Received on Thu May 29 19:02:53 2008