> 2. What we want to do now is:
> Kanji - full width remains same
> Katakana - change from full width to half width programmatically at
> server.
> 3. We have the following question :
> Is that possible to convert full width katakana to half width Katakana
> programmatically at the server side.
Yes. But if you are doing it on a Just in Time basis for each handset,
it will be a hit on the server.
Can you cache? Or do it once, and save it to a separate field in the DB?
What are you using? If it is PHP - make sure that the PHP has
multibyte extensions compiled in. I think they are part of the
standard install in later versions of PHP....
Nick May
Cogito Ltd
> That means, program picks the full width katakana from the database,
> converts it to half width katakana programmatically while kanji
> remains full
> width. Then, the server program generates such pages for mobile.
> Thank you very much for your support.
> Regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net
> [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net]On Behalf Of Curt Sampson
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 10:23 AM
> To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
> Subject: (keitai-l) Re: regarding 816SH problem mobile market in
> japan..
> On 2008-05-27 22:24 +0900 (Tue), Srinivas Patnaik wrote:
>> 2. Is there any way to convert double byte katakana to single byte
> katakana
>> dyanamically.
> "double-byte" versus "single-byte" depends on the encoding. A katakana
> glyph that in Shift-JIS is one byte might be three bytes in UTF-8.
> You're probably talking about half-width versus full-width katakana,
> right?
> You'll have to explain what you mean by, "dynamically." It's certainly
> possible for whatever software generates pages on your server to map
> one
> to the other.
> cjs
> --
> Curt Sampson <cjs@starling-software.com> +81 90 7737 2974
> Mobile sites and software consulting: http://www.starling-software.com
> This mail was sent to address srinivas.patnaik@iap-online.com
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Received on Thu May 29 09:25:05 2008