On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 03:27:12PM +0900, Bryan Buecking wrote:
> e.g. when displaying the following form on an AU Inforbar 2, the default
> value 'foo' is not displayed in the input box, instead it's empty.
> <form>
> <input type="text" value="success" />
> </form>
It would seem that this example does work; however it fails when the
name attribute is added.
<input type="text" name="result" value="success" />
> I've setup this exact form on http://smwd.jp/en/test/form.html incase
> anyone is able to test it out.
I've added a separate page to demonstrate the broken form:
Bryan Buecking http://www.starling-software.com
Received on Mon Feb 25 15:09:58 2008