Since you seem to be in the know about all of this, do you have an
idea why SoftBank will not, under any circumstances, SIM-unlock a
phone? Seeing as how they charge almost full-price for their new
handsets, it just doesn't make sense anymore...
On Feb 6, 2008 4:49 PM, Nik Frengle <> wrote:
> You can get just a SIM off of Softbank, though as indicated above, it is
> only for postpaid plans, so you have to sign up for a plan. You may also
> need to go to one of the shops where they are more likely to understand such
> a request: Roppongi, or Yaesu kita-guchi would be my choice. The trick with
> getting access to data (which I haven't tried recently enough to know
> whether it is still true) is that you need the APN information for Softbank
> to be able to put this into your phone. However, if the device you are using
> is not one that Softbank have certified to work (actually, it is the
> government that does the certification), Softbank *might* not allow it to
> access the APN. It can do that by checking the IMEI, which are specific to a
> maker and device. If this is done, it is because officially non-certified
> devices are illegal to use on the network under Japanese law, UNLESS YOU ARE
> ROAMING, in which case it is fine to use any device (kind of weird, I know,
> but when we were testing mobile data cards at VF Japan, we used non-Japanese
> SIM cards to make sure we weren't breaking any laws). If the device is an
> unlocked version of a device that Softbank are already selling, the chance
> of the device not being allowed on seem small (unless, of course, they are
> doing something else...;). To be honest, I don't think that locking out of
> IMEIs was ever done in the way I have described above, only if a specific
> device was found to cause problems on the network, but I am not positive,
> and in any case things have changed (alot, from what I hear from the
> ever-dwindling number of people I still know there).
> Of course, provisioning for data plans may have a trigger that, unless you
> purchase a compatible device with your data plan, will not provision you for
> any flat rate plans. In fact, that would be the way that I would guess my
> old colleagues would go about it: The preference is generally to do things
> on the billing system rather than the network. (IT guys can be rushed into
> doing things more easily than radio network guys). If that is the case, you
> could just follow Andrew's advice and get a device for no cost, and then
> swap the SIM. As far as I am aware, there is no cross-checking of SIM card
> numbers with IMEI numbers, and no plans to do so. (it would be easy to do
> when the billing system processed CDRs, but would add time in the billing
> process, for very little return, since processing of CDRs is done in batches
> so the swapped SIM wouldn't be detected until quite long after the CDR was
> created, and very few users in Japan swap SIM cards.)
> Sorry, a bit long winded, but there your are.
> Best,
> Nik
> 2008/2/6 Andrew Shuttleworth <>:
> > I forgot to actually answer the question.
> >
> > > > these phones if you live in Japan? Are any of the carriers selling
> > SIM
> > > > > cards?
> > >
> > >
> > I'm not actually sure whether they will just sell a SIM for voice
> > packages,
> > but you should be able to get a 1 yen/0 yen phone (make sure it's 3G) and
> > just pull out the SIM.
> >
> > For data packages, again I'm not sure you can just get a SIM, but if you
> > got
> > a USB or PC card you could just pull out the SIM card. As in my previous
> > mail though - they may not support you using it in a non-supported device.
> > :-(
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> >
> >
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Received on Mon Feb 11 23:15:59 2008