(keitai-l) Re: SIM cards in Japan 2008

From: Nik Frengle <nfrengle_at_gmail.com>
Date: 02/07/08
Message-ID: <3b4a8f0e0802061649j6531e009m5269d311bdb1893e@mail.gmail.com>
You can get just a SIM off of Softbank, though as indicated above, it is
only for postpaid plans, so you have to sign up for a plan. You may also
need to go to one of the shops where they are more likely to understand such
a request: Roppongi, or Yaesu kita-guchi would be my choice. The trick with
getting access to data (which I haven't tried recently enough to know
whether it is still true) is that you need the APN information for Softbank
to be able to put this into your phone. However, if the device you are using
is not one that Softbank have certified to work (actually, it is the
government that does the certification), Softbank *might* not allow it to
access the APN. It can do that by checking the IMEI, which are specific to a
maker and device. If this is done, it is because officially non-certified
devices are illegal to use on the network under Japanese law, UNLESS YOU ARE
ROAMING, in which case it is fine to use any device (kind of weird, I know,
but when we were testing mobile data cards at VF Japan, we used non-Japanese
SIM cards to make sure we weren't breaking any laws). If the device is an
unlocked version of a device that Softbank are already selling, the chance
of the device not being allowed on seem small (unless, of course, they are
doing something else...;). To be honest, I don't think that locking out of
IMEIs was ever done in the way I have described above, only if a specific
device was found to cause problems on the network, but I am not positive,
and in any case things have changed (alot, from what I hear from the
ever-dwindling number of people I still know there).
Of course, provisioning for data plans may have a trigger that, unless you
purchase a compatible device with your data plan, will not provision you for
any flat rate plans. In fact, that would be the way that I would guess my
old colleagues would go about it: The preference is generally to do things
on the billing system rather than the network. (IT guys can be rushed into
doing things more easily than radio network guys). If that is the case, you
could just follow Andrew's advice and get a device for no cost, and then
swap the SIM. As far as I am aware, there is no cross-checking of SIM card
numbers with IMEI numbers, and no plans to do so. (it would be easy to do
when the billing system processed CDRs, but would add time in the billing
process, for very little return, since processing of CDRs is done in batches
so the swapped SIM wouldn't be detected until quite long after the CDR was
created, and very few users in Japan swap SIM cards.)
Sorry, a bit long winded, but there your are.

2008/2/6 Andrew Shuttleworth <andrew@cvp.jp>:

>  I forgot to actually answer the question.
> >   > these phones if you live in Japan? Are any of the carriers selling
> > > > cards?
> >
> >
> I'm not actually sure whether they will just sell a SIM for voice
> packages,
> but you should be able to get a 1 yen/0 yen phone (make sure it's 3G) and
> just pull out the SIM.
> For data packages, again I'm not sure you can just get a SIM, but if you
> got
> a USB or PC card you could just pull out the SIM card. As in my previous
> mail though - they may not support you using it in a non-supported device.
> :-(
> Andrew
> This mail was sent to address nfrengle@gmail.com
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Received on Thu Feb 7 02:49:31 2008