My List (in no particular order)
1) phone storage mountable on my desktop over Bluetooth 2 and or wifi.
2) Full integration with iTunes - (not for the music - for the podcasts)
3) Stereo Bluetooth profile. Bluetooth keyboard.
4) SIP & Skype support in-phone over "open" Wifi implementation that
can be switched off to save battery power.
5) Better interface design. (Go from MacOS 9 to any phone and see how
the interface experience deteriorates.)
6) The option of no handset subsidy with a fully unlocked phone. Give
me a decent, unlocked phone and I will pay 70,000yen for it.
7) High end phones should have a screen taking up the full front of
the handset, with a virtual keyboard. I don't want handset real-
estate taking up with buttons.
8) Optional ability to boot Linux straight off my phone (for
emergency use) - or use as a home directory in MacOS - with the phone
STILL allowing full telephony through a bluetooth handset.
9) Video out so I can connect phone to a large screen to watch
movies / display images.
10) In cameras, a focus on quality lenses, not image size.
11) on-phone iChat.
Kyushu Fixers
Facilitation Support in Fukuoka, Kyushu and South West Japan
Received on Wed Nov 29 03:32:05 2006