No video codec in the runtime yet.
Speed is a difficult thing to define. There is no hardware
acceleration on the handsets. Bitmaps animate better than vectors
because of the processors we are talking about. Compared to other
runtimes like Java, etc... Flash Lite can hold its own comparatively
speaking. The average user will not notice that a Flash Lite app is
running faster/slower than a native app or a Java app. However, code
execution behind the scenes is probably a bit slower. I am writing a
benchmark app right now actually for Flash Lite so we can see how
certain constructs (loops, etc.) perform.
Another factor you may want to consider is persistent data, Flash
Lite does not have a storage mechanism yet. However, the details
Macromedia have revealed about the next version of Flash Lite makes
me think it will be maturing quite a bit and will be much closer to
being on the same level as the J2ME runtime.
Good luck,
-- Mike Krisher
-- TEAM Macromedia, Mobile and Devices
Received on Thu Jul 7 21:23:34 2005