(keitai-l) Re: Flash Lite

From: Nader <mobile_at_omegamedia.com>
Date: 07/06/05
Message-Id: <a06210202bef1a31a7aa7@[]>
There are currently two versions of Flash Lite released: 1.0 & 1.1.
1.1 added network connectivity.

There's no FlashCast server required -
just a phone with the Flash Lite player on it.

Nader Nejat // Multimedia Consultant + Developer
Omega Media // http://www.omegamedia.com
"We help people take advantage of interactive media"
415-596-6342 (415-59-OMEGA)

>Has anyone had first hand experiences using or working with Flash Lite
>If so, are there any comments regarding capability, speed, etc?
>Also, I was under the impression that network connectivity, service
>provision to Flash Lite enabled phones required a special FlashCast
>server (or something similar).  Can anyone confirm or deny that?
>- Robi Karp
>Fluffy Spider Technologies        Embedded Linux / FancyPants
>http://www.fluffyspider.com.au/   Linux / Unix / Wireless / Real Time
>phone:  +61 2 9281 9055           fax: +61 2 9281 2944
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Received on Wed Jul 6 18:08:28 2005