(keitai-l) Re: M430 phones work okay but NEC crashes

From: Natalia Pujol <naty_at_eslamejor.com>
Date: 06/26/05
Yes Marcel but you have some options:

- Use "AppTrace = on" in JAM file
- Create a Dialog or Panel object inside catch{} code to show debug info



> Thanks for the advice. According to our developer the
> Exception#printStackTrace() will show the error description on the
> emulator's debug screen but will not show any information on the real
> handset. The game runs well on the emulator so I am afraid that this isn't
> going to work for us (unless the real device is able to print the
> stackTrace.
> Regards,
> Marcel Lennartz
Received on Sun Jun 26 17:05:09 2005