(keitai-l) Re: M430 phones work okay but NEC crashes

From: Marcel Lennartz <marcel.lennartz_at_hcm.vnn.vn>
Date: 06/26/05
Message-Id: <20050626033630.HHO515473.HCM-MS-185@lensoft>
Hi Natalia,

Thanks for the advice. According to our developer the
Exception#printStackTrace() will show the error description on the
emulator's debug screen but will not show any information on the real
handset. The game runs well on the emulator so I am afraid that this isn't
going to work for us (unless the real device is able to print the



Marcel Lennartz

http://doja.pagina.nl <http://doja.pagina.nl/> 

http://doja.prikpagina.nl <http://doja.prikpagina.nl/> 




> From: "Natalia Pujol"

> Subject: Re: M430 phones work okay but NEC crashes

> Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 02:12:42 +0200



> Ok, sorry Marcel :)


> Have you tried to use a try{}catch{} in the main loop and include a

> printStackTrace()?

> Like this code to know where exactly is crashing:


> try {


> // Main loop code


> } catch(Exception e) {

> e.toString();

> e.printStackTrace();

> }


> Natalia

> www.natygames.com

> www.ipopmail.net


Received on Sun Jun 26 06:36:39 2005