(keitai-l) Re: smartphones in Japan (was: Fukuoka Kyushu 3G Vodafone coverage)

From: Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro_at_maltech.jp>
Date: 05/17/05
Message-Id: <20050517145909.452B.ASIBORO@maltech.jp>
I am not sure about 702NK, but MP3 files can be uploaded to 802SE and
played, as long as you add DRM to it (using Quicktime etc). It should
be quite simple, and chances are this applies to 702NK too.

On Tue, 17 May 2005 12:46:06 +0900
nick may <nick@kyushu.com> wrote:

> I would certainly have preferred a Japanese phone 3 years ago - but I 
> am not sure how convinced I am that they were advanced BECAUSE they 
> were "tied down".
> In fact in one important way they were LESS tied down than phones 
> overseas. True, you could not move handsets between carriers - but 
> since the JP carriers used different systems, that was a tech issue as 
> much as anything. But you COULD browse the raw net with them. Shifting 
> address books and the like around was tricky (3rd party apps were 
> required) but at the "data download" level they were pretty open - they 
> all understood a cut down version of html - either directly or through 
> their carrier's proxy. They had their walled gardens - but that went 
> with their micro-payment system - you didn't have to be a flower in 
> that garden...

[ excessive quoting removed by moderator ]

Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." 
                                          --  Albert Einstein
Received on Tue May 17 09:01:23 2005