(keitai-l) Re: smartphones in Japan (was: Fukuoka Kyushu 3G Vodafone coverage)

From: Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro_at_maltech.jp>
Date: 05/17/05
Message-Id: <20050517145340.4527.ASIBORO@maltech.jp>
Nokia is a non-carrier branded Nokia, you can get from here (quite
pricey though):

It should work flawlessly with Vodafone SIM, if voice is all what you
need. If you need to access Voda mail and Vodafone Live!, you are out of
luck (see my previous posting). This may work with FOMA SIM card too,
but it really depends on where you are located, since many FOMA base
stations still use old 3GPP spec that is incompatible with anything but
the old and bulky Motorola A835 (and of course DoCoMo branded phones).

On Tue, 17 May 2005 12:18:07 +0900
nick may <nick@kyushu.com> wrote:

> On May 17, 2005, at 10:01 AM, Gerhard Fasol wrote:
> > The choice is definitely there, Japanese consumers
> > have the choice to buy non-carrier branded NOKIA
> > phones or PENCK for example.
> >
> >
> Really? Where do I get a non-carrier branded non tied down Nokia that 
> will work in Japan? Where is this "choice" of which you speak? (I am 
> genuinely interested - a URL/phone number for such a beast would be 
> fallen on with delight by several list members, I assure you...)
> I have a 702NK Voda handset - and it is tied down fairly hard...
> > You have to ask Japanese consumers why they prefer
> > locked-down Infobar or locked-down PENCK to
> > non-locked NOKIA's.
> Well so far they haven't had a choice. If you want a  phone, you have 
> to have a tied down phone. So how can you attribute their having tied 
> down phones to being a result of a PREFERENCE for tied down phones?
> Nick
> This mail was sent to address asiboro@maltech.ne.jp
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Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)

The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of my employer, 
not necessarily mine, and probably not necessary.
Received on Tue May 17 08:58:13 2005