I get those too. I'm thinking that this may be a new UA for a Nokia 9500
or 9300 (the "bricks"), but I really I don't have a proof except from
the fact that someone with this UA downloaded a copy of PocketMetro for
the Nokia 9500 from my website (http://www.clocklabs.com).
Best Regards,
Gerhard Fasol wrote:
>I suddenly have lots of the following user agents in one of
>our logs:
>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; N_O_K_I_A)
>Anyone know what this is? Are these NOKIA phones with
>Gerhard Fasol, PhD Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
>http://fasol.com/blog http://www.eurotechnology.com/
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Received on Sun Feb 6 21:26:06 2005