(keitai-l) Re: New President and CEO at Vodafone, K.K.

From: Ben Miller <benjamin.miller_at_gmail.com>
Date: 08/18/04
Message-ID: <30d4ca9804081717071e28b385@mail.gmail.com>
A big winner could be Softbank.

An interview with Son-san discusses his ambitions for mobile.

A related interesting comment:

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 07:07:53 -0700 (PDT), Ken Chang <carigate@yahoo.com> wrote:
> (1)
> everyone thinks that DoCoMo will lose subscribers if the users can
> keep their phone numbers when change service provider.  if mobile
> operators keep performing the same in two years time (2006-2007?),
> au/KDDI will be the winner to bag near half of the switching users.
> about same percentage of DoCoMo and Vodafone.jp users say they
> prefer the other company, which translates into 3 times more users
> Vodafone.jp may gain from DoCoMo than it will lose.  I read this
> last year but things are changing.

. . . . .

> (2)
> I hear Vodafone.jp people say again and again things will change
> when they have MNP.  though it's still possible that Vodafone.jp
> will benefit from MNP, I take the words in a negative way that
> they are not facing the reality and are postponing the problems.

Ben Miller
Received on Wed Aug 18 03:07:12 2004