everyone thinks that DoCoMo will lose subscribers if the users can
keep their phone numbers when change service provider. if mobile
operators keep performing the same in two years time (2006-2007?),
au/KDDI will be the winner to bag near half of the switching users.
about same percentage of DoCoMo and Vodafone.jp users say they
prefer the other company, which translates into 3 times more users
Vodafone.jp may gain from DoCoMo than it will lose. I read this
last year but things are changing.
au/KDDI and Vodafone.jp had highest user satisfaction last year,
near 70% (less than 50% of DoCoMo users say they like the service).
but that's the last time Vodafone.jp scored high points.
I said "I believe" but I'm really not sure, though it's shocking
news to everyone that Vodafone.jp net lost users for the first time
in Japanese wireless history.
I hear Vodafone.jp people say again and again things will change
when they have MNP. though it's still possible that Vodafone.jp
will benefit from MNP, I take the words in a negative way that
they are not facing the reality and are postponing the problems.
I really want to see VGS taking off at least one year before MNP.
J-Phone used to always come first, and when they came second,
they came significantly better (like JSCL vs i-appli). will this
be true for VGS vs FOMA? let's wish.
btw, I do think TD-CDMA is a better technology.
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Received on Tue Aug 17 17:07:56 2004