On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, [iso-8859-1] Dimitris Tzanerakis wrote:
> My company already has a wap "push"
> scheme, where a user will send an SMS to a 4-digit
> number (say s/he wants to get a new wallpaper or
> ringtone), the company server then sends a reply with
> a link, which the user then uses to get what he wants.
> Is this thing feasible via SMS in i-Mode?
You'd be crazy to do this with SMS on Docomo phones; nobody uses it. For
example, I have received a total of two SMS messages in three and a half
years here; the last one was more than two years ago. I've sent one or
two, but just to play with it. By comparison, I have sent and received
several thousand e-mail messages in the same period.
You really want to just do this via regular Internet e-mail. Just set up
an e-mail address that has an auto-responder behind it.
Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net> +81 90 7737 2974 http://www.NetBSD.org
Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light. --XTC
Received on Fri Aug 6 02:32:49 2004