I thought the WIN limits were intended to preserve the limited bandwidth for
all users -- not to fend off rogue Java developers.
Are you saying that the 8-req-per-minute limit does not apply to BREW WIN
apps? Or that the limit only applies to http requests and not to socket
If the limit does apply to BREW, do you know how KDDI will enforce them?
--- original message snippet ---
From: "Mathieu Castelli" <>
Subject: Re: FY2003 results, no comment -- BREW Question
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 01:37:35 +0200
PS Does anyone know if the upcoming WIN BREW handsets will authorize socket
connections, as they should according to the BREW specs ?
If yes, that's a strong case in point for the BREW certification program:
the reason KDDI limited to 8 http req per minutes (really really annoying
for an online game) on WIN -flat fee, high speed - handsets was maybe to
protect itself from lone independent coders. With BREW it can be sure that
every app will be checked...and thus really opens up the network gates.
Received on Thu May 27 22:17:14 2004