one example can be the newspaper. though it may be like a super
large-screen keitai, different contents are organized differently
> as ex-sub-editor of the independent newspaper of England, I agree, the
contents are ordered differently, but within a very formulated structure
that has evolved over 500 years of printing. Mobile internet is still very
actually, many ideas of the i-mode service were borrowed from WAP,
> Surely the other way around? What did imode borrow from WAP? WML!
>WAP copied imode. Openwave copied imode. Wap looked enviously at imdoe and
dreamt of the day it to could look like that and be that easy 2 code.
while DoCoMo chose to use the i-mode technology which looks weird.
it's the reason number one DoCoMo not performing well since 2001.
> it seems silly to even correct you here. Docomo is the MOST successful
mobile internet company in the world. They chose NOT 2 use wml.
other operators, both at home and abroad, are just lucky that DoCoMo
chose to put i-mode technology as the centerpiece of their strategy.
you don't fight by pushing your weak soft belly.
> oh yes, how lucky we where to code in wml and 2 use those flaky browser of
wap1.1 and 1.2. you must be joking. Wap is crap was a popular phrase - and
still is in some places.
Received on Fri Mar 26 17:50:01 2004