(keitai-l) Re: Economist Mag on the PDA and Smartphones

From: Steve Oldmeadow <steve_at_smoco.com>
Date: 10/21/03
Message-ID: <3F95A3EC.29630.10A5E458@localhost>
On 21 Oct 2003 at 7:59, Jeffrey L. Funk wrote:

> Of course, this is nothing 
> compared to what's available on PDAs and the ability to freely develop and 
> run programs, if allowed, could be a major driver of this process. It 
> appears that Japanese (and also foreign) operators will continue to control 
> this process (partly due to concerns about viruses) just as they have done 
> with content. Does anybody see changes in this area?

The fact that DoCoMo and Network Associates are teaming up to develop anti virus 
software for phones seems to me to indicate things will be opening up.


Steve Oldmeadow
Received on Tue Oct 21 14:24:30 2003