(keitai-l) Streaming j2me-video?

From: Håkon Rian Ueland <ueland_at_eurobate.com>
Date: 10/21/03
Message-Id: <20031021102032.1800D4BAB5@ozzy.eurobate.com>
Any of you familiar with the Finnish company www.oplayo.com? They offer a
j2me app for viewing streaming video on Nokias + a symbian version. 

We are considering investing in their conversion tools, but since it does
cost a few thousand euros, we would like to know about other peoples
experience and if there are any other options.

Best regards
Haakon R. Ueland
e: ueland_at_eurobate.com w: http://www.eurobate.com
Received on Tue Oct 21 13:21:03 2003