Has anyone seriously sat down and costed this?
If you do not know what your markup language will let you do, you cannot
build a service. If getting code out the door pronto is the name of the
game, then imode-html has the edge I think...
And in the end, it isn't just "effort" it is time and flexibility that is
of the essence. Granted, it takes effort to do all the things required to
set up a service, but they can be done in parallel with the coding.
The ability to do RAD with a browser and texteditor should not be
underestimated - particularly for interface design.
I am trying to imagine my response if a manager were to announce to me
that seeing as the new mega-system involved huge amounts of "effort"
(however that is defined") and the actual code was just a small
percentage of the "effort" we were going to code the lot in assembly...
>Writing in the appropriate markup language is a tiny part of the overall
>effort in building a mobile service.
>Future Platforms Ltd.
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Received on Wed Oct 8 10:30:48 2003