(keitai-l) Re: Spam From Docomo Users?

From: J. David Beutel <jdb_at_getsu.com>
Date: 07/14/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0307141109510.29792-100000@tokimi.getsu.com>
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Curt Sampson wrote:

> > I get lots of "cmail" spam on AU.  Is "cmail" free?  As far as I know,
> > "cmail" is strictly phone-to-phone, but I assume they automate it somehow.
> I'd heard somewhere that they AU was actually selling cmail spam. Do you
> pay for incoming cmail? Or is it just inconvenient?

Good question.  Coincidentally, I got my AU bill this weekend, and they 
included a flyer about steps they're taking to reduce cmail spam.

It was all in Japanese, so I'm not sure exactly what it said, but I think 
the gist was that they're changing the service contract to forbid sending 
spam and halting two cmail related services.  One seemed to be a free 
email to cmail gateway.

Cmail seems much more limited in size, but perhaps the advantage is that 
it can be addressed to phone numbers, enabling spam war-dialing?

Received on Mon Jul 14 04:33:25 2003