(keitai-l) Re: phone cam troubles

From: Philip Sidel <psidel_at_iuj.ac.jp>
Date: 07/11/03
Message-Id: <>

I've seen a lot of "inner questioning" on behalf of government officials 
here, but unless I've missed something, the enforcement of 
rules/regulations regarding camera-phone usage is left in the hands of 
individual businesses/institutions.  However, as I haven't been following 
this too closely, I may have missed something that someone else on the list 
may be able to help with.

Here are some links to some stories from the local papers here.  All 
hand-wringing and no "official" or technological steps taken....



I look forward to reading your article on this.


At 11:27 AM 7/10/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Philip Sidel
Assistant Professor of Marketing
The International University of Japan
Graduate School of International Management
Phone:  81-(0)25-779-1400
Fax: 81-(0)25-779-4443
Email: psidel@iuj.ac.jp
Received on Fri Jul 11 04:51:11 2003