(keitai-l) Re: Multi-tasking applications on Keitai - NinJava meeting Thursday 26th June

From: J. David Beutel <jdb_at_getsu.com>
Date: 06/19/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0306191827400.26997-100000@tokimi.getsu.com>
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Sam Joseph wrote:

> Main Talk Title: JRAP - A Framework for building multi-tasking networked 
> applications on NTT DoCoMo, J-Phone and KDDI Java enabled handsets

Sounds interesting!  I hope I can make it.
> The Bullant Remote is an 'application browser'. Using the Bullant 
> Remote, end-users can connect to and surf applications just like users 
> of a web-browser can connect to and surf web-pages. Just like a web 
> browser, an application is identified by a URL and, just like a web 
> browser, giving the Bullant Remote a different URL will cause an 
> entirely different application to be displayed. In the case of web-pages 
> and JRAP applications, the content resides on networked server - an 
> innovation that has dramatically reduced the cost of provisioning 
> applications to large, disparate and geographically diverse user base.

So it's a special-purpose browser that runs in Java on the keitai?
> Bullant's model of 'application-browsing' enables the creation of a new 
> breed of rich server-based applications that provide all of the benefits 
> of the traditional 'fat' two-tier client-server model with the benefits 
> of manageability, scalability and accessibility usually associated with 
> the 'thin' three-tier model. GUIs indistinguishable from a native 
> fat-client application can be created and deployed on a networked server 
> without the need to download any code to the device.

I guess a 'fat' client isn't an option on a keitai.

Received on Thu Jun 19 11:53:14 2003