(keitai-l) Re: tipicME

From: Reto Grob <rgrob_at_klab.org>
Date: 05/28/03
Message-Id: <20030528104056.B343.RGROB@klab.org>
> anyone tried to get tipicME (jabber client for j2me) to work with japanese 
> cellphones? one version is supposed to work on MIDP devices, but ive 
> failed to get the app onto my phone (au/kddi a5302ca). any ideas?
> url: http://www.tipicme.com/node/view/139386

not yet.  tough one open question: are those things successful and may
it replace SMS?

Chatting on mobile phone is not really successful in Japan. It just
takes too much time to enter text. Maybe this is different for Europe?

There is one reason: SMS are very expensive (around 10-20yen/msg), but
data packets are much cheaper (mostly <1 yen/packet). So, if you use a
instant messenger, you may not use it as chat tool but maybe as
replacement for SMS?  

People may be motivated as they save money. Operators may lower the fee
for SMS - however SMS is where most operators make a lot of money.

Operators often look at  more packets -> more ARPU. Instead operators
would better differentiate not between the data volume but the data
service. It just makes no sense to compare the value of 100byte for an
SMS to the value of 100byte of a MPEG video.

It is not so easy to implement, I understand. Maybe flat rates will
answer this question.
Received on Wed May 28 04:53:10 2003