(keitai-l) Re: SMS and URLs

From: Arjen van Blokland <ab_at_tkk.att.ne.jp>
Date: 05/09/03
Message-Id: <4.3.2-J.20030509202305.06706440@tkk.att.ne.jp>
>Mhm, now you confused me...why you add SPAM into the mix?
>SMS (the technology itself) has not really a SPAM problem, because it
>costs the sender to send out messages. Email has a SPAM problem,
>because it doesn't cost the sender to send messages.

Hmmm, SMS has really a spam problem.
Large SMS accounts of carriers are misused by the middlemen sending unasked 
SMSes to customers. If you reply to it, you get sometimes (depending on the 
application) charged for 2-3 EURO. There was a spam last year in Western 
Europe. People received an SMS saying that a friend would like to meet you. 
To find out the name of the friend you had to reply and you got charged. 
This was not mentioned in the first SMS. This is even much worser than 
Email spam. The EU made regulations for it. Holland will have adapted these 
regulations by Oct 31 this year. So, it hopefully will fade away by the end 
of the year.

Arjen van Blokland
Received on Fri May 9 14:33:35 2003