dunno if sh-mobile is unique in any way, but...
On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Jeffrey L. Funk wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have data on activation and usage times for i-applis for
> different phones? For example, using Hitachi's SH-Mobile processor as an
> example,
> 1. How large of an i-appli program can Hitachi's SH-Mobile processor
> activate in less than 1 second?
> 2. If the program doubles in size, does the i-appli activation time also
> double in size?
> 3. How long can someone play a 30 kilobyte i-appli game using the SH-Mobile
> processor? Is this time shorter or longer than the talk time of a phone?
> (e.g., Hitachi's phone has a talk time of 140 minutes)
i would guess it's a lot longer as network access ought to be the most
power consuming feature on the phone (given that ur appli doesnt access the
network every ms). at least batteries on my phone (not hitachi sh though)
dont seem to drain much when if i play games to/from work.
> 4. If the program doubles in size, is the playing time reduced by 50%?
why would the program size affect the playing time?
> 5. If the i-appli were to be used as a browser, would this be like using
> the phone to play an i-appli game in terms of power consumption and thus
> the length of time the phone can be used?
probably less power consumtion as the app would be idle most of the time
(assuming that these power saving cpus will suspend or slow down or
> 6. How large of an i-appli do we need in order to use an i-appli as a browser?
> Partial answers are also appreciated.
remember i saw an imode browser written in iappli 1.0 for 503 and it was
less than 10kB.
Received on Thu Apr 17 10:54:56 2003