Does anyone have data on activation and usage times for i-applis for
different phones? For example, using Hitachi's SH-Mobile processor as an
1. How large of an i-appli program can Hitachi's SH-Mobile processor
activate in less than 1 second?
2. If the program doubles in size, does the i-appli activation time also
double in size?
3. How long can someone play a 30 kilobyte i-appli game using the SH-Mobile
processor? Is this time shorter or longer than the talk time of a phone?
(e.g., Hitachi's phone has a talk time of 140 minutes)
4. If the program doubles in size, is the playing time reduced by 50%?
5. If the i-appli were to be used as a browser, would this be like using
the phone to play an i-appli game in terms of power consumption and thus
the length of time the phone can be used?
6. How large of an i-appli do we need in order to use an i-appli as a browser?
Partial answers are also appreciated.
Jeff Funk
Professor, Hitotsubashi University
Received on Thu Apr 17 09:29:57 2003