[this is a resend - the previous send got lost somehow I gather]
I went here: http://www.miechin.jp/keitai/picsize.html
and found most of the data I need to update Mika's php data file.
**However, text width & height was not available.**
Could interested parties look over the following and tell me the correct
text height & width?
I have guessed & defaulted to 10 X 10 in most cases, as that is a better
default than the 8 X 8 default that we fall back to for phones we *really*
do not know about...
Note - I have added the following: IMODE_COLOUR_262144
anyone know the ishot details?
I would like to run up a version of this for ezweb - but I am not sure the
header is sufficiently informative. Would it be possible for ezweb phones?
Mine just shows the browser info in the log as far as I can tell - not the
phone type as such....
Anyway - treat this file with care - there is some guesswork. I will send
the final version to Mika when I have confirmed details.
I am away until Thursday to sunny Tsushima, so if you send mail to me
please do not expect an immediate response.
None Japan-based list members might care to know that we are entering
"O-bon" in Japan - the festival of the dead - many companies in Japan
close for a few days.
regards nick
-----start snippet-----
"SO503iS" => array (
"imagewidth" => 120, "imageheight" => 120,
"textwidth" => 8.5, "textheight" => 7,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif")
"D503iS" => array (
"imagewidth" => 132, "imageheight" => 142,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_4096,
"imageformats"=> array("gif")
"D504i" => array (
"imagewidth" => 132, "imageheight" => 160,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_262144,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"F504i" => array (
"imagewidth" => 132, "imageheight" => 136,
"textwidth" => 12, "textheight" => 12,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_4096,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"P504i" => array (
"imagewidth" => 132, "imageheight" => 142,
"textwidth" => 12, "textheight" => 12,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"N504i" => array (
"imagewidth" => 160, "imageheight" => 200,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"SO504i" => array (
"imagewidth" => 128, "imageheight" => 128,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"P2101V" => array (
"imagewidth" => 176, "imageheight" => 144,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"P2002" => array (
"imagewidth" => 120, "imageheight" => 130,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"N2001" => array (
"imagewidth" => 120, "imageheight" => 130,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
"N2002" => array (
"imagewidth" => 120, "imageheight" => 130,
"textwidth" => 10, "textheight" => 10,
"colour" => IMODE_COLOUR_65536,
"imageformats"=> array("gif", "jpg")
-----end snippet-----
Received on Mon Aug 12 02:06:36 2002