(keitai-l) Re: emoji

From: Tom Motoyoshi Kalland <tmk_at_infeline.org>
Date: 07/03/02
Message-Id: <>
I remember when studying in Tokyo, the Japanese students (with J-Phone) 
used a male face turning right + a female face turning left to illustrate 
couples. There was also an emoji of a male face turning left and this they 
used as a gay symbol. There wasn't any female face turning right on the 
emoji set, so you couldn't write about lesbians.

I never understod that happy-face-emoji on J-Phone... I mean, I thought it 
was a happy face while everyone else claimed it was a happy unko (shit). :)


At 21:49 03.07.2002 +0900, you wrote:
>Unfortunately there is no Emoji for couples available and most
>spam is about dating, so somebody combined the "toilet" emoji (a
>man and a woman divided by a line) and some hearts. This unsual
>combination kinda created a new meaning. Or not. Or so.
Received on Wed Jul 3 16:59:45 2002